Counter strike | Download Now Counter-Strike Condition Zero

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Counter strike

Description Counter Strike

Counter strike is a multiplayer game that can be played. In which there's a team of police and the team of terrorist and they have the battle. Counter strike is an amazing video shooting game that has been invented in the history of gaming. Their lot's of suspension in the counter strike game. Counter strike is a global famous game. Counter strike is one of the best game.

Features of Counter strike

  • It has many and the new different types of maps and place in it to play off for the players.
  • There are plenty of weapons.
  • It has the fully loaded and updated version in which it has a classic mode.
  • Some of the most know maps and place are also there like dust, train, nuke and more others.
  • The counter strike works smoothly as compared to other of the games.
  • It has been rated with 5 stars also.
  • Most downloaded game of the time and as well most played one also.
  • It has the most advanced arms which have been used by military and terrorist

To Chase

There is a hostage also to whom you have to rescue them, the task is for the police team and the task for the terrorist team is to defend them and not let them go. They have the war of battle between them for this. Hostages are the one if they are with you you can have the chance to win the battle fight. So the chasing is also fantastic.

The Equipment

The guns, Arms and all the other stuff are amazing. It gives the one like that the person is in the actual battlefield. You can carry a limited gun and you have one pistol, knife also with you. You can also plant a time bomb in it so that you can win the battle and protect it from the police team so that they cannot defuse the time bomb. The only terrorist team can plant the time bomb. The time bomb is also another task apart from the hostages.


The graphic is such an amazing that one can have a realistic view. While playing you can feel the real vision type as the gamer want. Every inch is perfect of it so that it can't look like the cheap game. It is designed like most professional gamer want to play a game like this. It has the graphic that you can't compromise while in day mode, night mode or in weather conditions.

Field (Ground)

The battlefield is one of the most important parts of the game. There are many of the battlefields in it as an area between which you have a fight. The area is designed in such a manner so that you can also have cover fire. Play safe and also can defend your self from the enemy. Just you have to use your brain and you'll win the battle.


To win the battle for one it's not that much easy task. You have to defend you're enemy with your teammates. Because to win and to defend against them it's not an easy task for one. They have also got better plans than you have. If you're in the terrorist team they can rescue hostages, or can defuse the bomb and many more idea they have got to win against you. It's a chasing game that you'll play.


The soundtrack of the counter is the best and the epic one. Till now no one yet had the soundtrack like counter strike have it. It has the strongest sound of the terrorist and the dangerous one like no one had it in history. The sound of the police is quite professional and the sensible which comes from the wacky like a radio. there's also a sound for the hostages which is very much polite.

About Counter Strike

Counterstrike was released on 9 November 2000 as a CS Condition Zero and the counter strike global offensive which has been released on 21 August 2012. Between this period there little more game from the counter-terrorist version only have been coming.

Example in 2004 counter strike condition zero, counter strike source, and counter strike neo have come.

  • 2007 counter strike online had come.
  • 2013 counter strike online 2 had come.
  • 2014 counter strike Nexon zombie has come.
  • After 2012 there is also the latest version came out which is in work in progress and we will soon provide you with that also. Many of the games were released by the counter strike.

Device for the Playoff

Now you might be thinking of that which if the device is essential for playing it. It is a pc computer video game which can also be played on smart television by connecting it with gaming loop and system and also with the internet. You can also play some of the version in mobile as well as in tablet. The ram should be good enough so that your speed should not be slow. You can play it in Microsoft as well as in XP. And other devices and software can also play it some Hitech mobile also if it is supportable then.

Tips to play Counter Strike

To play the counter strike it's not easy one must go with some tutorial video or something like that so that he/she get some knowledge about it. And one must also read the rule and regulation so that with being stuck anywhere the player should keep moving on. Well if you go with the proper guidance it will not that much difficult to lose the game. And if you are a good player and know about it then I must say you that download it and have joy.


You'll hardly get this game anywhere and if you get it you have to purchase. And here we are providing you with the counter strike PC game for free. So that your joy should not stop. We are doing our best to provide to up with the latest version of it so that you can keep moving on without getting stuck anywhere. IBI aleab is the recommended site to download it without getting any problem or being stuck. Enjoy!


If you have any of the question related to the counter strike Pc game or want any suggestions towards your device like what will be essential for it you just feel free to contact us. The most important part that your review and feedback are most important to us so that how can we improve our self more and more. Thank you guys download the counter strike video gameplay it with joy keep loving and keep supporting us once again thank you.

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